

2017/03/10 2017ISPO Munich, The Honor of four times Anti-fog durability Gold Winner Award

2017 ISPO in Munich, Congrats our client won the Gold Winner Award in 2017 ISPO Munich due to lighter frame design with crystal clear anti-fog lens technology to make a 4 times better Anti-fog durability ski goggle than the current products.

Besides, visited many new products are launched and designed in UGAM anti-fog film for enhancing/upgrade the better anti-fog durability.

UGAM is your partner to resolve all your fogging issues with you over your current application or the next innovative new products.

User Experience:
Johanna Blixt, Hollywood Sweden, sales
"Everybody has the experience of foggy goggles. The X-Force solves that problem with their unfoggy lens". That's innovative and terrific.

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